(407) 363-1111

Test Automation Foundation & Principles


Test Automation is one of the most talked about topics in the software testing industry today. Everyone wants it and everyone wants to be involved with it; yet almost 70% of the QA industry is testing manually. Test leaders must respond to automation – why they aren’t doing more or why they aren’t doing it at all. Only with a better understanding of automation can test leaders respond to these questions.

There are many classes that are hands-on starting with Selenium or other automation solutions, yet do not discuss the foundations of an automation build or framework. All test automation solutions are built on three key principles – accessibility, modularity, and reliability. Using these principles, you will learn how to select the right automation solution for your environment, thus saving countless hours and days to increase your productivity. This class is tool-agnostic, but we’ll talk about the tools that may be in your organization or in the marketplace. You are guaranteed to have a strong knowledge base when leaving the class. Whether you are a Test Leader, Test Analyst, or supporting IT professional, this class is perfect for you.

  • Understand the roots of test automation and trends on where it’s going
  • Experience how to apply three key principles of Accessibility, Modularity and Reliability
  • Learn how to perform test automation without programming skills
  • Document a strong argument for initial investment or continued investment in test automation from upper management
  • Build your own test automation sample scripts in class
  • Test Automation: Past, present & future along with frameworks used
  • Key failures on why test automation has failed
  • Three key foundations of test automation with exercises to reinforce Ways manual testers and IT colleagues can become more involved with automation
  • Document a test automation business case together
  • Record and playback of simple test automation scripts to illustrate the concepts learned
SKU: TAFP-101 Category:

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