Portfolios are defined as ‘The totality of an organization’s investment (or segment thereof) in the changes required to achieve its strategic objectives.’ In effect, the total investment put in by an organisation to its change initiatives (including Programmes and Projects) qualifies for the Portfolio.Portfolio Managers consider the strategic initiatives taken by the Organizations and assist in formalising programmes and projects (and related operations support as needed) to achieve the strategic objectives.

Portfolio Management involves two lifecycles – Portfolio definition & Portfolio delivery. As a part of Portfolio definition, projects and programmes which are a part of the Portfolio get planned. During delivery, factors including funding arrangements, resource management, management control, benefits management and risk management are considered.

APMG have introduced a new offering covering the Certification for Portfolio Management, called ‘Management of Portfolios’ (MOP ) QAI is the first Indian ATO accredited to provide trainings for this qualification and are offering the five day Foundation and Practitioner Certification course (including examinations) for ‘Management of Portfolios’.

Day 1
What is Portfolio management? | The Portfolio management model- overview | How Portfolios interface with programmes and projects? | Strategic and organizational context of Portfolio management | Benefits of Portfolio management | Major approaches followed in Portfolio management | Major steps in a staged implementation of Portfolio management | Factors to be considered in while sustaining progress | Major areas where Portfolio management need to interact with – to achieve strategic objectives -Principles concerning Portfolio management Day-2
Day 2
Portfolio definition practice – cycle: | ‘Understand’ practice | ‘Categorize ‘ practice | ‘Prioritize’ practice | ‘Balance’ practice | ‘Plan’ practice | Portfolio delivery cycle -interfacing with various aspects: | Management Control | Benefits Management | Financial Management | Risk Management
Day 3
Portfolio delivery cycle- interfacing with various aspects (contd…) | Stakeholder engagement including building and maintaining senior management commitment | Organisational Governance | Resource Management | Multiple roles involved in Portfolio management and description of their responsibilities | Portfolio Direction Group | Portfolio Progress Group | Portfolio Director | Portfolio Manager | Portfolio Benefits Manager | Portfolio delivery plan preparation | Portfolio benefits management framework | Portfolio benefits realisation plan | Portfolio financial plan | Portfolio resource schedule | Portfolio stakeholder engagement and communication plan | Portfolio Dashboard | Sample Foundation Mock test and discussions | Final Foundation examination
Day 4
Practitioner examination structure overview | Practitioner exam exercises across the Portfolio Management lifecycle | Group Discussions : | The case for Portfolio Management in an organisation | Selection of a specific approach to Portfolio definition | Portfolio Governance structures | Assessment of risk/ achievability and attractiveness/ return of initiatives | Investment criteria applicable to various types of portfolio segments | Portfolio Dashboard definition and performance reporting | Alignment of Portfolios with business change cycles
Day 5
Sample Practitioner Mock test and discussions | Final Practitioner examination




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