Program Management Professional PgMP® credential from the PMI® addresses the community of professionals who manage Programs- demonstrating experience, skill and performance in oversight of multiple, related Projects, which are aligned with Organizational Objectives.

With a charter to enable and enhance the industry’s competency level and maturity in Program Management, ‘ PgMP ® Certification Preparatory Workshop’ is designed to facilitate the participants to gain an internationally recognized certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI®) , USA.

Differences between Program & Project | Relationships among Project, Program and Portfolio | When do Programs arise and in which types of organizations they are predominant? | How to undertake Program Portfolio Planning? | Program Lifecycle Management | Multiple Phases in Program Lifecycle | Pre-Program Preparations | Program Initiation | Program Setup | Delivery of Program Benefits | Program closure | Program Benefits Management Lifecycle | Program Management Processes | Program Management Knowledge Areas and Processes | Development of the Program management Plan by integrating the Plans for Component Projects | Component Transition Management | Role of Project Healthchecks in Program Management | Program Managerial skills – an overview | The role of Program Management Office (PMO) in successful execution of Programs | Roadmap for setting up and operationalising PMOs
Coverage for Day 1
An Overview to PgMP® Certification Process | Program Management concepts | Relationships between Project, Program and Portfolio Management | Program Management Office – an Overview | Characteristics of Program Lifecycle | Interrelationships with Benefits Management and Program Governance | Phases of Program Lifecycle | Pre-Program activities of the Program Lifecycle  | Initiation of the Program  | Program Setup activities  | Program Benefit Delivery Management  | Closure of Programs  | Benefit Management Lifecycle – including Delivering and Sustaining Benefits  |  Program Management Processes overview  | Program Initiating Process Group | Program Planning Process Group  | Program Execution process – overview | Program Monitoring and Controlling Process Group  Program closure | Various Knowledge Areas pertaining to Program Management  | Program Integration Management  | Initiating a Program  | Developing Program Management Plan and Infrastructure  | Directing and Managing Program execution  | Managing Program resources  | Monitoring and Controlling Program performance  | Closing Programs
Coverage for Day 2
Program Scope Management  | Developing Program level Scope statement  | Benefit Realization Plan development | Program requirements documentation | Development of the Program architecture baseline | Development of the Program WBS | Program Scope control Management | Development of the Program level Schedule | Updating Component schedules  | Development of the Program Budgets  | Program Communications Management Plan | Program Communications updations  | Program Performance reporting | Managing Program level Risks | Risk Management Lifecycle
Coverage for Day 3
Planning for Program level Procurements | Conducting Program level Executions  | Administering and closing Program level Procurements  | Establishing Program level Financial Framework  | Developing the Program Financial Plan and Program budget baseline  | Monitoring and controlling Program financials  | Managing Program level Stakeholders | Program level Stakeholder Expectation Management  | Establishing a Program Governance Plan  | Planning for Program Quality  | Managing Program Benefits  | Approving Component initiation and transition  | Role of Project Healthchecks in successful Program management  | Role of PMO in successful Program management | Course end Mock test




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