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As a Certified ScrumMaster® (CSM®), you’ve been introduced to Scrum values, practices, and applications. You now understand how to provide a level of knowledge and expertise above and beyond that of typical project managers.

Becoming Agile is a lifelong journey. Incorporating Scrum values and Agile principles into your world of work takes diligence, patience, and a commitment to continuous improvement.

To further enhance your knowledge and skills, the next step is achieving an Advanced Certified ScrumMaster™ (A-CSM™) certification from Scrum Alliance®. Our advanced offering is ideal for a Certified ScrumMaster who has one or more years of work experience in that role.

Requirements for Advanced ScrumMaster Certification

Attend a certified educational offering that is on the Path to CSP®, where you will be provided with a set of techniques and skills that go beyond the basics and mechanics of Scrum, expanding into interaction, facilitation, coaching, and team dynamics.
After successfully completing all Educator-designed components of an approved educational offering, all that is left is for you to demonstrating at least one-year work experience specific to the role of ScrumMaster (from within the past five years).

What are the benefits of an Advanced ScrumMaster certification?

  • A focus on implementation – The A-CSM program is designed to build on your foundational knowledge with enhanced skills for the implementation of Scrum and Agile techniques within your company and teams.
  • Distinguish yourself in the global marketplace – Our Certified Scrum Trainers and Certified Enterprise Coaches have trained and coached Scrum to over 600,000 people around the globe. The new A-CSM certification provides an opportunity to take the next step and stand out among the global Scrum community.
  • Stand out in your industry – As a member of the Scrum Alliance globally recognized community, you show your employer (or potential employer) your potential as a highly valued professional.

CSM with 1+ years of experience as a Scrum Master Certification: To be eligible for the Advanced CSM®, you must satisfy the following criteria:

  • Be an existing CSM®
  • Complete a pre-program assessment
  • Be prepared to share your personal experiences
  • Attend and complete the 2-day program
  • Complete a post-program questionnaire

Through the A-CSM offering, you’ll learn to:

  • Facilitate dialogue between the Product Owner, team members, customers, stakeholders, and executives.
  • Respond confidently when encountering resistance to change, lack of engagement, low motivation, and unavailability of key people.
  • Help your company adopt Scrum and support executives committed to Agile values.
  • Remove impediments that prevent long-term, deep adoption of Scrum and Agile practices by all parts of the business.
  • Explain the value of Scrum and Agile processes to skeptics.
  • Increase developer engagement to encourage greater accountability, commitment, and buy-in.
  • Extend the impact of Scrum throughout the organization.
  • Scale Scrum and Agile beyond a single team.
  • Leverage your learning to gain recognition and status as the local Agile expert in your company.

Most importantly, by receiving the A-CSM certification, you will improve your implementation of Scrum in the workplace and keep your team on the right track.




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