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Watch a Live Preview | Instructor Led Version

The Software Testing Body of Knowledge for CAST (STBOK) skill categories have been selected to address the challenges faced by today’s software testers. The Web-based CAST Exam Study Course is a live, facilitated discussion and presentation of the ten STBOK skill categories. The course reinforces current knowledge, re-introduces concepts that may not be used everyday, explains the rationale for use, and highlights both multiple choice and essay type sample examination questions and responses.

It is recognized that many software testers do not need to be competent in all of the STBOK categories to fulfill their current job responsibilities. However, the CAST candidate should have a working knowledge of the information in all skill categories and will be examined on all ten STBOK categories. This course provides a background of the IT testing fundamentals and also includes the more advanced concepts, which the Certified Associate in Software Testing must understand.

The completion of this course along with the necessary practical experience and related resource familiarity will help prepare the candidate for the CAST examination. Due to time limitations, this course is not intended to cover every component of the STBOK in great depth.*

* Taking this course does not constitute, nor imply, the successful passing of the CAST examination.

You will have a LVC session instructor emphasizing category orientation, importance of material, orientation to other skill categories, and monitored candidate discussions. In addition, you will have instructor assisted phone conference discussion sessions to review exercises and case studies. Session multiple choice and essay assignments will be given. All assignments should be completed on or before the Q&A session the following session. Feedback will be provided to you in an e-mail on all assignments submitted.

Pre Work

You will have a LVC session instructor emphasizing category orientation, importance of material, orientation to other skill categories, and monitored candidate discussions. In addition, you will have instructor assisted phone conference discussion sessions to review exercises and case studies. Session multiple choice and essay assignments will be given. All assignments should be completed on or before the Q&A session the following session. Feedback will be provided to you in an e-mail on all assignments submitted.

SESSION 1 | Skill Category 1: Software Testing Principles and Concepts

This Session’s topics will focus on the Certification and Examination process, and we will discuss the tester’s vocabulary. A clarification of terms like QA and QC and an explanation of the Cost of Quality will also be included. Also discussed is the software development life cycle, common tools and techniques for testing, and reviews. The basic test stages will be discussed along with special types of tests and the various roles and responsibilities of the software tester. Sample test questions will also be discussed.

Session 2 | Skill Category 2: Building the Software Testing Ecosystem

Topics this Session will focus on building the testing ecosystem which includes test process, test tools, test environment and test skills.

Session 3 |Skill Category 3 – 6

Skill Category 3: Managing the Test Project

Communications, managing test projects, and software configuration management will be addressed in this sessions.

Skill Category 4: Risk in the Software Development Life Cycle

Topics this Session will focus on project, product and process risks within the software development life cycle.

Skill Category 5: Test Planning

Topics this Session will focus on test planning and implementation, test plan documentation, test strategy, test plan features and what must be considered when planning for testing. this Session will focus on executing the test plan. A breakdown will be provided on each phase of the testing. Clarification will be giving on what a test case is vs. test scripts.

Skill Category 6: Walkthroughs, Checkpoint Reviews, and Inspections

This Session looks at static testing processes such as walkthroughs, checkpoint reviews, and inspections explaining both the general approach and the value of full life cycle testing.

Session 4 | Skill Category 7: Designing Test Cases

Topics this Session will the processes to identify testable conditions and how the techniques use to create test cases. Techniques for structural and functional testing are presented in detail.

Session 5 | Skill Category 8 & 9

Skill Category 8: Executing the Tests

This Session will focus on executing the test plan. A breakdown will be provided on each phase of the testing. Clarification will be giving on what a test case is vs. test scripts.

Skill Category 9: Measurement, Test Status, Analysis, and Reporting

This Session will focus on measurement and how it affects our test effort. Defect management will be introduced as a preventive step.

Session 6 | Skill Category 10: Testing Specialized Technologies

Topics this Session will focus on testing of specialized technologies which includes: web, mobile, cloud, Agile, DevOps, and the Internet of Things. Final Review – Review of the Certification and Examination process and test taking tips.

The course is composed of 6 sessions to help participants prepare for the CAST Certification exam. You will receive an e-mail reminder notice of the “Live Virtual Classroom” the day before each session. Each session will consist of Knowledge and Essay exams to be taken online. Feedback will be provided. Most meetings are on Tuesdays.

Tuesday – Q&A Session: 2:00 PM – 2:30 PM USA Eastern Time
The purpose of this session is to go over the assignments and clear up any questions you may have.

Tuesday – Tutorial: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM USA Eastern Time
The seminar leader will go over a series of slides and discuss the topics contained in the STBOK that are of importance to you.

A Web page has been created for this course, which will contain any downloads and assignments for the current week. The link information will be provided to you by the instructor before the beginning of the class. Once posted, the information will remain on the site for the entire duration of the course. Check back often as items are added to the Web page frequently.

The CAST “Live Virtual Classroom” System Requirements: The video & audio segments of the “Live Virtual Classroom” are accessed independently. We will be using a system called Adobe Connect to conduct the video segment of the “Live Virtual Classroom”. You will NOT have to download any software.

Pre Work:  Prior to the first session – Read the Welcome Info, download and print the Course Materials, and view / take the prework materials on the prework drop-down within the Sessions tab.

Welcome Info Tab: View the Intructor Bio as desired. Make note of the Additional Information containing the telephone teleconference phone number and passcode.  The information also contains a free SKYPE toll-free alternative especially for callers outside the USA.

Course Materials Tab: You can download and print the Course Book which is the workbook for the course. You can download and print the CSTE CBOK (Common Body of Knowledge) for your reference throughout the course.  You may find it convenient to keep the downloaded image for quick keyword searches.

Sessions Tab, Prework drop-down box: You can watch the Prologue to get a course overview. You can preview the “Live Virtual Classroom” Orientation slides to get an idea of what the “Live Virtual Classroom” screens will look like.  These same slides will be used as an orientation during the first session.  Make a written record of your current screen resolution and color quality.  Be prepared to change the resolution to 1024 X 768 and quality to minimum (16 bit or 256 color) prior to each session.  You can change it back to original settings after each session if you wish.

You can download the Skill Self-Assessment spreadsheet and self-assess you degree of skill in each of the 10 skill categories, before the first “Live Virtual Classroom” session.  This will help you identify your current level of knowedge in each area.  This is not sent to the instructor.  Allow adequate time since there are 160 detailed skill self-assessment areas.

You can take the Pre-Test to pre-assess your present level of knowledge. It uses 30 multiple choice questions. It is automatically scored upon conclusion. Although the instructor gets a copy, don’t worry about how you do; course discussion is limited to group responses.  This is an excellent way of doing a “dry run.”

You can take the Test Topics which are essay questions, in the same way and for the same purpose as the Pre-Test. These are questions on topics that Testing professionals most frequently encounter. The Test Topic Answers contain sample answers to the Test Topics.  It is suggested that you attempt to answer the questions before looking here.

Link to Additional Resources has links to various web sites and books on software quality which you might find helpful.
“Live Virtual Classroom” log in and use instructions shows you the screens you get when you click on the meeting Link to “Live Virtual Classroom” for the meeting session you are in.




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